Term Task Group on
Electron Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data
Following pressure
over several years a new limited term task group was proposed for electron
paramagnetic data. The limited term task group proposal was positively
accepted by the CPEP during the IUPAC general assembly in Berlin Germany
August 1999. The request for funding was made to the IUPAC projects committee
and the agreement was made in 2001.
This action started in January 2002.
Group Members
The limited term task group
is staffed by Richard Cammack, Yang Fann, John Maher, Peter McIntyre,
and Reef Morse and is led by long-term JCAMP-DX expert Robert Lancashire
with additional input from academia and industry.
for final review
The final draft is currently
available for review here EMRdraft5.pdf
(273.624 bytes).
Testfiles will be made
available here shortly.
In order to
ensure the widest distribution of information the task group has been
attending major international conferences in this field. Please
feel free to contact them at any time in the run-up to publication.
Page last
modified 31. May 2005.
Copyright ©1997, 98, 99, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
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